Monday, January 9, 2017

Review: Wicked Bride Games

Wicked Bride Games Wicked Bride Games by Clarissa Wild
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have only read a few books by Clarissa Wilde, and I am already kicking myself for not reading more of her books. I also am mad at myself for not staying up on the dark romance sub-genre.

I have always loved reading about dark, twisted and disturbed men who love making women submit. Ther is nothing hotter than a man claiming the love of his life for his own and to see her powerless just tickles me pink (No I'm not that disturbed, I just love reading about it).

Since it had been a while since I have read any dark books, this was the perfect book to ease back into the saddle. While this book did portray some disturbing imagery, that would have you cringe, it did however have a fabulous plot that could in fact happen in real life.

Once you read this jewel, you will be eagerly waiting for the second book to come out. I know I for one, can't wait to get my hands on the next book

View all my reviews

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